Contrary to popular belief, the hardest part of being a dog owner isn’t cleaning up after them, but rather the guilt that comes with leaving them home alone. For people like me, who work during the day, going out for a drink in the evening is just out of the question when my four-legged bestie has been alone all day as it is.
I know, you’ve got the world’s tiniest violin playing the world’s saddest song just for me, haven’t you? The good news is that times are changing and more and more pubs in Liverpool are welcoming man’s best friend – and scousers across the city couldn’t be happier about it.
So, here are my top 5 city centre pubs that you can pop into for a wine with your furry friend.
The Baltic Market, Cains Brewery
As Liverpool’s first street food haven, The Baltic Market is the newest must-visit for foodies across the city. You can enjoy the insta-famous halloumi fries that everyone has been raving about, while your best buddy can enjoy all the attention (and possibly some scraps) from people coming and going! Paw-fect!
BrewDog, Colquitt Street
Dog by name, dog by nature – Brewdog isn’t just famous for its vast selection of beers but also for being one of the most dog-friendly places in Liverpool. So much so, in fact, that they hold “yappy hour” every Sunday from midday to 6pm – where every pooch with receive a “dog beer” with every human pint bought!
Salt Dog Slims, Seel Street
Renowned for their amazing steins and brines, Salt Dog’s is the perfect place to chill with a hotdog and your REAL dog, (please god don’t get the two mixed up) It’s also famous for a really fun night out – which does mean it can get a little bit rowdy. So keep your four-legged-mate close by so no little tails get stepped on.
The Caledonia, Catherine Street
Known as the ‘people’s pub’ of the city centre, The Caledonia caters for students and pensioners alike – and the same goes for dogs! So whether you’re canine partner in crime is a tiny Pom or a Great Dane, it’ll be welcome for a couple of biscuits and a bowl of water here!
Peter Kavanagh’s, Egerton Street
Last but certainly not least we have one of the quirkiest pubs in Liverpool. Not only does PK’s happily welcome all dogs to come and enjoy the warmth, but it’s also supposedly haunted – and we all know dogs are meant to pick up on ghostly vibes! Just try not to do a Scooby Doo on the rest of the punters!
Image: Courtesy of Teddy Maximus. For similar features (*admittedly featuring fewer bars and dogs) visit our blog page
This guest post was written by one of our favourite bloggers, Scarlett Wonderland. Not only can she find the perfect pub for you and your dog to unwind at the end of a long day. She’s also very funny about pretty much everything. And frankly, they’re our kind of superpowers!
[…] Related feature: 5 of Liverpool’s best dog-friendly pubs. […]