New tracker shows how many reported Coronavirus cases there are in your area

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Frankly, if you’ve already read more than enough headlines about Coronavirus and viewed enough graphs to last you a lifetime, the His & Hers team completely understands! We’re experiencing some graph fatigue ourselves at this stage.

However, that hasn’t stopped us checking local news publications a little too regularly for a regional breakdown of Coronavirus figures. Even if it’s hard to know how much these figures really tell us until we have more widespread testing.

So, having covered two of the most obvious reasons why you may be choosing not to peruse Coranavirus graphs, we’re still sharing this new Coronavirus tracker from Centre For Cities, because we think it provides a much simpler and neater method than anything else we’ve seen for keeping an eye on figures in your area. You can find it here, along with all of Centre For Cities’ other work relating to the Covid-19 pandemic. This information will be updated daily around 17.30 or shortly after.

And if you decide to take a break from all of the news and statistics and read a book instead this evening, we really don’t blame you! And we’re always interested in book and TV recommendations, and never more so than right now.

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