Thinking of getting a dog? Before you bring your new furry family member home, you’ll need to be certain that your home is a suitable environment to raise a dog. Here are just some of the ways in which you can get your home prepared.
Buy a crate
Like humans, dogs need their own space sometimes. A crate can serve as a safe place for sleeping and retreating to when things get too much. When buying a crate, make sure that it’s big enough for your chosen breed. If you’re getting a puppy, consider the fact that it will one day grow and become much larger.
Set up a pet supply cupboard
You’ll need somewhere to store pet supplies such as food, treats and walking equipment. A designated cupboard for pet supplies could be useful. Empty out a space in preparation and stock up on supplies so that you’re all ready for when your dog arrives.
Move hazardous and precious objects out of reach
Certain items could be dangerous if your dog gets hold of them. This is particularly the case for puppies who will attempt to chew on anything they can find. A few common hazards include cleaning chemicals, mothballs, candles and kids’ toys. There could also valuable items that need to be hidden for your sake. This could include favourite shoes, ornaments and again kids’ toys. Position such items high up where your dog cannot reach them or lock them away.
Place rugs on hard floors
Hard wooden and tile floors can pose a risk to dogs. As dogs run over these surfaces, their legs can sometimes splay, resulting in hip damage. Putting rugs on floors can prevent your dog from sliding on them and doing harm.
Protect your sofas with throws
If you choose to allow your dog on the sofa, make sure that you protect your sofas with some kinds of slipcover or throw. If the throw gets muddy or covered in hair, you can then simply put it in the washing machine. It could also protect your sofas from scratches.
Fix up your fencing
When letting your dog out in your garden, make sure that there are no places in which your dog could escape. Gabion fencing could be an option for keeping your dog to contained. What is Gabion fencing? This type of fencing combines stone and wood for a perimeter that’s much more secure than traditional fencing. It could also stop intruders getting in.
Be wary of other garden dangers
There could be other dangers in your garden that are worth attending to. For instance, you should ensure that any tools are locked away in a shed. If you’ve got a pond, consider whether this needs a cage or not over the top. You may also want to remove certain plants that could be potentially toxic.
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