Alternative plans for the Easter Bank Holiday

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Easter Bank Holiday

Our plans for Easter may be a little different this year (OK, very different) but the His & Hers team has been pondering ways to enjoy the bank holiday weekend during the lock-down. From tiny treats to staying in touch, here are a few of our suggestions…

Be kind to yourself

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We know this is a cliché, but during a time when for a lot of us, our usual ways of seeking support (from long chats with family or friends to help with childcare) have been cut off, and when the impact of the current Coronavirus epidemic is being felt by all of us, it feels more important than ever to be kind to ourselves. So if you’ve been wrestling with a task (like trying to call the bank or secure an online grocery delivery slot, or making the whole house gleam) and are hitting a wall of frustration, rather than beating yourself up for not feeling perpetually positive, His & Hers’ advice (which we’ll admit is far from profound) is that it’s OK to feel stressed out over stressful stuff, to feel frustrated over frustrating stuff and to feel sad about the sad stuff. If you don’t feel quite as peppy as you usually would during the Easter Bank Holiday weekend, that’s completely understandable. You don’t need to tackle every single thing on your to do list like Tony Robbins during a firewalk! Try to remember that even the really tiny steps, like making yourself a lovely cup of tea or coffee in the morning, and making the bed, and every kind word or gesture, counts.

Make your ‘phone and broadband work hard for the money!

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Whether it’s FaceTiming the people we love, joining an online exercise class, or indulging in a spot of window shopping online instead of on the high street, it’s worth looking for online alternatives to your usual weekend highlights. And if you’re already starting to get a little tired of living in leisurewear, why not look at some women’s skirts and either treat yourself to something to brighten up your wardrobe this month, or put a few outfits away ready for your next outing with the people we love once social distancing measures are eventually relaxed.

Spread the love

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In previous years, many of us would have stocked up on Easter eggs to share. If you find that you don’t have as many people to share Easter eggs with this year, you could always find other ways to spread the love. If you have children, perhaps they could create a card which they can show to loved ones via a video call. And even if you don’t have kids, you could always get creative in other ways – perhaps really taking your time to draft a text to let the people closest to you know how much you love and appreciate them. Or why not use an app to create a photo collage of some of your favourite memories with someone close to you and send it to them with a nice message. And if you’re sharing a house with one or more of the people you love during the lock-down, we reckon that every tiny gesture or kindness and love will almost certainly help to make their Easter weekend better.

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Related read: An alternative approach to Easter

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