Have you chosen to home school your children? Since the pandemic, many parents have elected to keep their children away from school and to continue their education at home. It’s certainly a challenge for both parents and children alike but one that is incredibly rewarding.
However, if you want to continue their learning journey and keep it fun, engaging and enriched with plenty of interesting lessons then you’re going to need to stock up on your teaching supplies. What you need may vary, depending on the age of your children and the lessons you’re focusing on, so we’ve gathered some basic home-schooling supplies you shouldn’t teach without – read on to find out more.
Printing supplies
Whether you’ve found some colouring pages online or some activity sheets from their curriculum resources, it’s important to have plenty of ink and printer supplies ready for all the printing you’ll have to do! Printer inks can get quite expensive so you might want to check out Canon at Printerinks for the latest prices and to get the best deals. Don’t forget to have plenty of printing paper too, as you’ll go through it quicker than you think!
Art supplies
Never underestimate the importance of art. Sadly, when it comes to home-schooling, many parents put emphasis on maths, reading and writing in the hope of propelling their child’s education forward. In truth, creative projects are just as insightful and enriching as any other part of the curriculum. Keeping a healthy store of art supplies such as paints, watercolours, brushes, pens, pencils and crayons will give your child the chance to explore their creative side and importantly – have some fun in the classroom!
Mathematics accessories
Maths can be challenging at the best of times, but if you try to make it fun and use physical items to help engage their minds then you’ll both feel a little more confident. You can use just about anything as a counter, from pennies and blocks, to marbles and Cheerios… whatever keeps them engaged and interested will work.
Files and folders
You’re going to get through plenty of paper, activities and other materials and it’s important to keep track of what your children have been learning, your lesson plans and of course their progress. Having a supply of files, folders and dividers will help you stay organised and help your child see how far they’ve come. You can also keep their work clean and dry, and you can refer back to it whenever you need to.
A reading area
And plenty of books to go with it! Reading is essential for any child, whether they’re being home-schooled or not. So, whether you dedicate some time to reading every day, or you read something together as a project, having a good supply of books and an area dedicated to quiet time and reading activities will keep everyone happy and engaged.
Finally, a prize box
Learning is full of ups and downs, and there are some days when your child will find it incredibly challenging, so it’s important to have something to treat them with for those days when they work extra hard and push themselves. A little prize box filled with treats is the perfect addition to your home classroom.
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