How to Recover from a Traumatic Birth

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While giving birth to a baby is often painful, it can also be traumatic for some new mothers, as they might endure complications, disappointment, or health issues. For instance, they might struggle with severe post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), or the mother and/or baby could pay the price for medical negligence.

If you are looking for ways to move on from the painful, life-changing experience, read the following advice on how to recover from a traumatic birth.

Join a Support Group

It might be beneficial to talk to others who have endured a similar experience as you. It could help you to come to terms with a traumatic experience and validate your thoughts and emotions.

As many women in your life might not have experienced a traumatic birth, you might find it helps to talk to those who have dealt with trauma. For example, if your son or daughter experienced a birth injury, you could find help and support from the Birth Trauma Association (BTA).

Request Copies of Your Maternity Records


It might also be helpful to request copies of your maternity records from a hospital, which is a legal right in the UK. It will help you to learn more about your labour and the steps that were taken to protect both you and your baby.

By reviewing the notes, you could discover if a medical professional was negligent during childbirth or if they could have taken extra steps to ease your pain and suffering. It could help you to understand your experience and identify any actions you might need to take, such as making a medical negligence claim.

Understand Your Rights

Depending on the birth trauma you experienced, you could be entitled to compensation. For example, if your son or daughter sustained a life-altering injury due to medical negligence, you shouldn’t hesitate to reach out to respected birth injury solicitors to receive answers to your questions.

If they believe you have a case, they will then take the necessary steps to secure compensation for your family. While the claim process won’t undo the unnecessary pain placed on you and your loved ones, the compensation amount could fund your everyday needs and help you to move forward.

Stop Blaming Yourself

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Many women often blame themselves for a traumatic birth experience or their child’s injury. Instead of feeling as if you have somehow failed, you must understand that you’re not at fault. Labour is an intense, painful process that is out of your control. It is, therefore, essential to accept that you couldn’t have changed a birthing outcome.

Seek Professional Help

If you are struggling with postnatal depression, anxiety and/or PTSD following a birth trauma, you must book an appointment with your GP for a diagnosis and treatment.

While they might provide prescription medications to help you to deal with your overwhelming feelings, they also might recommend talking to a counsellor. Talk therapy could help you to confront and overcome your painful emotions, and you could learn various coping mechanisms to improve your mental health.

If you don’t seek professional help, then your feelings could spiral out of control. There is no shame in asking for help when required, and support is available in different forms to help you move on with your life.

Disclosure: This is a collaborative post, and the author’s views here do not necessarily reflect those of His & Hers Magazine.

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