Falling Into A New Passion? Staying Measured Can Help You

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When we think of falling in love, we often think of romantic relationships. But the truth is that we can fall in love with almost anything. From a new pet we buy, to a podcast we find fascinating, to even that walk you take during your lunch breaks at work. Passions can also be considered worthwhile love affairs. A hobby, practice or craft we find absolutely enthralling can help us feel like life is more than worth the candle. 

For instance, you may find that a passionate painter will suggest that without the ability to paint, they would be nothing. This is more than just a platitude. Thankfully, you can fall in love with so much in life, to the point where going out there and getting involved is not only wisdom, but a requirement.

Yet it’s not uncommon for people to come on a little too strongly with their passions, and this may end up ruining it for themselves. There’s no reason you have to fall into this difficulty however, provided you stay measured and calm in your progress. In this article, we hope to help those falling in love with a craft or hobby squeeze the best out of it, and from there make this a more sustainable practice to enjoy:

The Learning Phase

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The learning phase of any new hobby or passion you are developing is often extremely pleasurable. This is almost like a honeymoon stage in a relationship. Everything is going your way, you feel excited, you’ve just bought your first guitar, or you’ve finally decided to paint. Now you feel alive and integrated. Every waking moment you have spare will be placed in this direction, as you try and learn the most you can about your craft.

However, it’s worth noting that while this is an enjoyable time, you can often burn out quite quickly if overdoing it. It can be nice to apply a few tentative steps forward to make sure this is for you, and to try new things within this space. For instance, if painting is your new, wonderful hobby, why not attend a painting class? Or, you could head into the rural countryside and paint a landscape. Perhaps you can try a self-portrait. Be sure to express yourself and not worry about perfecting the rules right now. Humans often learn more easily through play and experimentation (something we’re amazing at as children), and this can guide your learning experience well.

Put simply, enjoy and do not force the learning phase. Be mindful of burnout. This way you can structure your interest into a hobby and craft you stick with.

Correct Investments

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If you have the money for it, it can be extremely tempting to invest in your hobby to a dramatic degree. You may find yourself buying a brand new expensive guitar with all of the accessories and a block of tuition lessons. Of course, this monetary investment can be a great means in which to get started and feel committed to the task. When you have several hundred dollars tied into your pursuit, odds are you’ll want to make the most of it.

But be careful of investing without caution. After all, it can be that you’re the easiest to market to as a new hobbyist, as you’re not completely sure of what products are quality. Conducting research online, using dedicated Reddit forums to discuss with other hobbyists about the direction you should go in, and reading product reviews can help you get started. Furthermore, investing your time into learning the fundamentals can help you avoid confusion later. For instance, C++ is considered a much harder first programming language to learn than Python, but it has the benefit of teaching you fundamental programming principles that can then learn other languages with great fluency. This principles can apply to anything, no matter if you’re looking for the best Vape Shop to consult with https://www.vape-hedz.co.uk/ or the best means to start road cycling.

Understand The Jargon

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Understanding the jargon can be a difficult task. When programmers speak about variables, data sets and algorithms, your head might start to hurt. But it can be that no matter what pursuit you are following, learning the jargon can help you understand that world. From reading a stocks investment cheat sheet, or reading up on how film sets operate (with the key grip, lighting assistant, first AD etc) can help you understand your self-taught tuition a little bit more.

Sometimes jargon comes in terms of context, other times you’ll need an explicit definition. It doesn’t hurt to ask questions! But even then, jargon is often the key to unlocking more complex concepts and the context within which they sit.

Learning To Fail

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Perhaps one of the most difficult situations to deal with is after the honeymoon period is over. Odds are, you’re going to fail sometime. From painting a picture that has terrible perspective and awful use of color, to failing for the three hundredth time to dunk that basketball, learning to fail is a natural part of improving at anything.

The more we can accept this, the better we can go through the ‘sucking’ learning stage and grow in talent and skill. Michael Jordan Michael Jordan once said, “I’ve missed more than 9,000 shots in my career. I’ve lost almost 300 games. 26 times, I’ve been trusted to take the game-winning shot and missed. I’ve failed over and over and over again in my life. And that is why I succeed.”

While the stakes are higher for him as a professional athlete than someone learning a new hobby, the principles are the same. Failure is not failure, but giving up is. Remember, it’s all a temporary stage. If you can get through that, you’ll often see how much you have to learn, and from there even grow in respect for the craft you are practicing. To that end, you’re sure to stay measured.

With this advice, we hope you can fall into a new passion with excitement and interest.

We’re very proud to bring you this feature in association with Vape Heads.

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