Child and adolescent psychiatrist Dr. Hassan Yasin is an entrepreneur with a passion for mental wellness. He has a firm philosophy that understanding our own thoughts and emotions is at the heart of being mentally well.
Hassan has just created Moodit, an app that he believes offers a platform enabling people from all walks of life to practice being mentally well, whilst still having fun and engaging on a ‘deeper social’ level.
Hassan explained: “It’s about creating a unique experience for people that will be both fun and functional and will start to make a positive impact on their lives. I believe the app will be beneficial to anyone using it and in some cases, will be life-saving.
“I’m really excited by Moodit and its benefits,” says Hassan who admits that the app took many revisions before arriving in its present form.
His inspiration for Moodit came when he worked on a mental health inpatient unit with young people with mental health difficulties as he recalls:
“I saw that there were two core elements that improved their sense of self and wellness… being able to understand their own emotional journey and, being able to articulate it. This is especially difficult during low and distressing periods.
“It occurred to me that a device that enabled them to improve their engagement and social connectedness with and about their feelings would offer potentially marked improvements in their mental wellbeing.”
Hassan is launching Version 1 of the Moodit app this summer on iOS alongside its developer engineer.ai at a press conference in London aimed at health & technology press.
“The app’s launch marks the end of a long chapter in its initial development but we’re now ready and the media attention will help us attract our target markets which include the U.K.’s agencies responsible for ‘mental health’.
Moodit will begin its campaign aimed at a North West business audience interested in promoting and supporting the region’s mental wellness agenda.
“We’re also targeting specific foundations that may have an interest in supporting our app such as the 23 foundation, the Steven Gerrard foundation, Liverpool FC foundation, MUFC foundation, Mind Charity and Alder Hey Charity to name just a prestigious few.”
Hassan has personally invested a substantial five figure sum into the Moodit project which he is keen to point out is in its first phase of development after winning an award to have it built.
He flew out to Lisbon last year to showcase Moodit.com when it was just a concept and entered a competition being run by engineer.ai. The competition was simple: the best website/app concept that was pitched would get built by the engineer.ai team.
Hassan recalls feeling absolutely elated after receiving the news that Moodit won the competition, with a prize value of tens of thousands of pounds.
“I didn’t hear back from the team until a few days after the event. Those few days were nerve wracking because I had spent a large chunk of my bootstrap budget just to get Moodit off the ground. The news that Moodit won was exhilarating. It validated the concept and paved a way to turn it into reality. It was a dream come true!”
Hassan added: “The build is only for the MVP version 1 and our imminent campaign will support the app, generate users, help develop Moodit on multiple platforms and give people the opportunity to take real ownership of their mental wellness. It will also provide the impetus for our crowdfunding campaign too aimed at enhancing Moodit’s features and taking the app to its next level of development.”
Also, part of the longer term plan is for Moodit to create a ‘unique ecosystem’ that will have a deep and personal impact on each user.
Hassan concluded: “I hope to create a system that is both predictive and prescriptive, telling users when they will struggle and what they need to do about it. Ultimately, we want to enable Moodit to provide insights into human emotion on a scale that has never been seen before.”
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