As the big countdown to Christmas begins in earnest, the His & Hers team has been having a think about how to be the perfect host over the holidays. Here are a few tips that have served us well over the years…
Preparation is key:
This is the time of year when most of us find ourselves rushing round trying to get on top of all our work before the holidays, doing last-minute Christmas shopping and aiming to get our homes looking festive and cosy in those rare moments of pre-Christmas peace and quiet. Plus, thanks to all the festive parties, you’ll probably find yourself doing at least some of the above with a hangover. His & Hers’ advice is to chunk down what you still need to do before Christmas into small tasks – such as ordering a Meat Delivery from Graig Farm to ensure that you have plenty of delicious food to feast on throughout Christmas. Graig Farm is a family business, specialising in organic produce and they deliver throughout the UK, saving you the heartache of watching someone else snap up the last decent turkey in the supermarket this year!
If you’re starting to get that slightly panicky sense that you’re running out of time to do everything you want to before Christmas, this is a good time to prioritise. Frankly, no matter how popular you are, it’s unlikely that anyone will lose any sleep over it if you don’t get round to sending out Christmas cards. However, spending a little extra time on a card or gift for your partner, closest friends or family, could really help to make the people who are the most important to you feel extra special. Also, don’t succumb to the pressure to invite everybody you know round “for a quick drink” over the holidays. Unless you really are incredibly sociable and enjoy having an open home, it’s usually more enjoyable to arrange to be host a few times over Christmas, then either go out for dinner, visit friends or order a take-away in between hosting. This will help you to enjoy the novelty of having guests round at your place a bit more and will stop you feeling like a slave to your kitchen!
Look after yourself, as well as your guests:
Sometimes Christmas can be the time when we hurtle straight from trying to be Superman or Wonder Woman at work to being Nigella in the kitchen, with no rest or recuperation in between. Of course Christmas is a time of year when the urge to spoil (and feed) everyone you love is strong, but by giving yourself plenty of time to unwind in between social commitments, you’ll ensure that when all your guests are finally sitting round the dinner table, you’ll be feeling sufficiently relaxed to join them in enjoying your time together.
If you have any more tips for hosting over the Christmas holidays which have served you well over the years, we’d love to hear from you. Please tell us all about your festive tips in the comments section below.
For more Christmas inspiration, please pay a visit to our lifestyle page.