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reduce bills


If you feel that you are probably paying too much for some of your household costs, you might well be right. Most people do actually pay far too much when it comes to their household bills, and the truth is that they don’t have to be in that position either. If nothing else, you can always find ways to keep your bills down, so there’s really no reason not to try and find ways to do so. In this article, we are going to take a look at just three of the most common household bills which you should be able to easily reduce by just following a few simple steps. If you take care of the following, you should find that you have much more money in the bank at the end of the month – something we would all like to be able to say.

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Are you paying for some television networks in your home? If you are, you might feel that you are getting a good deal, as indeed you might be. However, it is also highly likely that you could save a lot of money by changing which provider you use. Not all providers are made equal, and different ones are cheaper in different areas. The only way to be sure that you are paying as little as possible is to take a look at an online checker and see if that is the case. You might find that you could save a lot of money each month by switching providers. You might also be able to make money by changing to a smaller package, so that is worth considering, too. Bear in mind also that if you want to spend nothing at all, you can do so with freeview aerials. Take a look today and see if you can do it in your area.

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The number one best way to reduce your water bill is to use less water – if you are metered, that is. If you are not metered, then you might want to think about seeing whether you could get a meter installed. By doing so, you could effectively save hundreds in a year, all without changing anything. But you could then save even more if you also make sure to use less water each day. As you can imagine, this is a great way to save money which is also going to help out the environment a little. If you can’t get a water meter, you should still use less – over time, this could help to reduce the water bills in your area as a whole, thereby helping you out financially further down the line.


If you’re paying too much for gas, it’s a simple matter to see if you can change providers to one which is considerably cheaper. What’s more, you might consider looking into a provider or tariff which offers no increases over the winter months. This alone will save you plenty of money in the year, so it is definitely worth thinking about.

We’re very proud to bring you this feature in association with Money Saving Expert, Aerial Services Ltd. and This is Money.

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