We live in a world where sleep is rarely given its due, and where it’s all too often seen as a badge of honour to boast, bleary-eyed and miserable, that we’ll “sleep when we’re dead”, or that we “barely sleep during the week, always too busy”.
But just because the sleeping habits of world leaders and high-flying business tycoons may be notoriously awful, this is still no reason for you to sacrifice your health and happiness by existing in a chronically sleep-deprived state.
Ultimately, sleep isn’t a luxury, it’s a necessity for survival, and starving yourself of sleep is eventually no less harmful than starving yourself of food or water.
So if you’re a workaholic who makes up the extra hours by cutting back on shut-eye, here are some key reasons why you absolutely must prioritise getting more sleep.
It will make you more emotionally resilient:
One of the main ways in which getting more sleep will help you on a day-to-day basis is by making you vastly more emotionally resilient and calm than you would otherwise be.
You’ve probably already noticed that on days when you’re well-rested, things just don’t get to you in the same way as they normally would. You seem to have armour on that protects you from the minor irritations of everyday life.
When you’re sleep deprived, on the other hand, every minor issue seems like an epic catastrophe. You find yourself flying off the handle for little to no reason, and even just the normal tasks of your workday become unbearable torture. The main takeaway is this: Get more sleep, and be a more stable person.
It will improve your overall health:
Sleep has so many effects on the body that it’s almost impossible to comprehend. Every system in the body is dependent on good, substantial sleep in order to function properly.
Whether you’re dealing with any chronic health issues or not, the quality of your health is bound to increase dramatically if you improve the quality and length of your nightly slumber.
During sleep, hormones are regulated. Growth hormone — essential to the repair of tissue in the body — is released in large doses. The brain seems to consolidate memories, and much more.
If you’re serious about your health, don’t waste your time on supplements or diets until you’ve got your sleep in check.
It will improve the quality of your work:
Sleep has profound effects on brain health and function, and it should go without saying that the more well-rested you are, the better able to focus and think effectively you will be.
There’s a reason why sleep deprivation is considered roughly equivalent to being drunk. Your reaction times slow, your thoughts get muddy, and you’re just not yourself when exhausted.
If you skip sleep for the sake of your work, consider that you’ll be better at your job after a full night’s rest.
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