Three Romantic Boating Ideas to Change the Way You Holiday

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It’s easy to feel as though you’re resorting to the same ideas again and again when you find yourself with some time off. Whether it’s how you spend a day, a weekend, or even a week away, it might start to seem as though you’ve seen it all before. This can be especially distressing in a romantic context for you and your partner, as the whole essence for those kinds of trips is that spark of excitement, spontaneity, and freshness behind it.

Therefore, turning your attention to boating can open the door to ideas that you might not have tried for yourself, yet could have you stepping out of your comfort zone and finding some new favourites.

1.    The Private Getaway


There are many different ways to go boating. You might feel as though the most romantic gesture of all would be to take your partner out onto the open ocean, where you only have to think about the two of you and your natural surroundings. However, you might also feel that you’d rather something more low-key, such as taking a smaller vessel through canals or rivers that feature a myriad of stops along the way. When you research canal boats for sale, you might feel as though you’re restricting yourself in regards to the kind of terrain that you can navigate, but you might find that the lifestyle it comes with is much more suited to your area and what you had planned for the boat.

2.    See the World


It might not be the case that the boat you ultimately decide on is one that is going to be able to take you across the open ocean, nor is it likely advisable. However, even if you’re just exploring your own slice of the world, that might be more than you’ve done before, making it an exciting new prospect.

Travelling to new places with your partner is always exciting and can certainly lead to some romantic situations, but when you’re the ones physically doing the travelling yourselves rather than catching a plane or a train, your sense of autonomy in this adventure might increase.

3.    Get Social


If you and your partner have an extended period of time that you’re looking to enjoy, you might want to divide up how you spend it. You might dedicate a period of time to be spent on the boat, other times at the various areas you stop at, for example. Similarly, while you might have a good idea of the various places that you want to go together, and the romantic times that you’re going to spend just the two of you, you might also want to use this as an opportunity for social gatherings.

Getting some of your friends aboard can let you have parties, gatherings, or meals that can shake up the structure of your day and allow you to make the most of the exciting boat setting. That said, it’s important to take the size of your boat into account when you’re trying to plan the guestlist.

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