Tips To Create The Cosiest Bedroom

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Nobody wants an uncomfortable bedroom, at least we hope they don’t! Your bedroom should be the
comfiest and cosiest room in your home to help you stay relaxed and get the sleep your body needs.
So, what can you do to make your bedroom a cosy oasis perfect for drifting off into sweet dreams?
Well read on to find out as we’ve put together a guide in some things you can do to make your
bedroom a comfy and cosy space for you to rest.

Find Soft Comfortable Bed Linens

woman in bed

If you want to make your bedroom more cosy, the first thing you should look at is your bed linens, if
you have a set of old starchy sheets or cheap synthetic sheets you’ll find yourself uncomfortable more
often than not, whether it’s your sheets itching you or the horrible feel of sheets on you when you’re
Bed sheets are the most important part of creating a comfortable bedroom, if you’re itching all night or
feel like your sheets are sticking to you, you won’t be very cosy. So you should look to get some nice
soft sheets for your bed. You don’t need to go overboard, but a set of fresh and natural bed sheets
will feel so much cosier than your current ones do, making bedsheets a great jumping off point.

Use Blackout Blinds To Create A Sleepy Space


There is nothing cosy at all about being kept awake by light pollution from outside, in fact it’s quite
frustrating. Your bedroom should be a relaxing place for you to gently sleep throughout the night and
having rays of light pour into your room and keep you awake will prevent your from getting the
relaxation you need.
An easy solution to light pollution keeping you awake through the night is to swap your old curtains
out for a set of thermal blackout blinds. These snazzy blinds will block light from the outside world
from entering your room and are thick enough to dampen sounds and noises from outside, creating a
nice dark and quiet space for you to sleep in peace at night.

Keep Toasty With A Heated Blanket


There’s nothing that can ruin the feeling of cosiness quite like sleeping in the cold, if you’re too cold
whilst you’re trying to sleep, you’ll find it harder to actually fall asleep as you’re too focused on how
cold you are. So to ensure that your bedroom is as cosy as it can be, you’ll want to make sure that
your bed is nice and toasty for you in the Winter months.
So, to keep cosy and toast in your bed, you should look into getting a heated blanket for your bed.
These blankets are much cheaper to run than using your central heating, so you can stay warm in
bed without spending too much money. The warm feel of your heated blanket will keep you feeling as
sung as a bug all night long.

We’re very proud to bring you this feature in association with DotcomBlinds. For more inspiration for your home, please pay a visit to our interiors page.

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