Why Do Truck Accidents Happen and How to Avoid them on your Road Trip?

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Trucks are large and heavy compared to ordinary vehicles. That’s why the accidents involving them often cause more destruction. People involved in truck accidents are also more likely to suffer considerable injuries, even death. Let’s take a closer look at some statistics that might give you an idea of the lethality of truck accidents in the state of California;

  • 113 every year, California has some of the highest rates of fatal truck accidents in the United States.
  • Only Texas surpasses California in the annual number of fatal truck accidents.
  • Nearly 3,000 of these accidents result in injuries.
  • 200-300 drivers die from truck accidents every year.
  • The majority of truck accidents occur in Los Angeles County.

Major Causes of Truck Accidents in California

Truck accidents occur due to a number of reasons. However, the truck driver is at fault in the majority of cases. In 2014, 41% of all truck accidents were attributed to reckless driving and speed. Please note that travelling at reckless speeds does not necessarily mean exceeding the posted speed limit.

Some additional common causes of truck accidents are;

  • Improper lane switching
  • Improper turning
  • Driving under the influence (DUI)
  • Refusing to give appropriate space when turning or stopping
  • Driving on the wrong side of the road
  • Refusal to give pedestrian right-of-way
  • Driving under sleep deprivation
  • Violation of traffic laws
  • Lack of vehicle maintenance (faulty brakes, lights, etc.)

How to Avoid Truck Accidents?

Roads are dangerous, no matter how you look at them. While it is not possible to entirely eliminate the possibility of accidents, it is possible to reduce their likelihood significantly. Follow the tips given below to drive safely and return home from your journey safe and sound;

Tips for California truck drivers

  • Observe the traffic regulations. They are meant to protect you.
  • Avoid distractions when driving. Focus only on the road in front of you.
  • Do not drive under the influence of alcohol or drugs, legal or otherwise.
  • Get enough sleep before embarking on your journey.
  • Double-check the vehicle signals, brakes, tires, etc. Ensure your automobile is in top condition.
  • Do not engage bright lights without cause. They may cause temporary blindness for oncoming drivers.

Tips for other drivers on Californian roads

  • Keep an appropriate distance from large trucks and other commercial vehicles because they are not easy to control. Be especially careful when turning or applying brakes.
  • Be careful of a truck’s numerous blindspots. A truck driver may not immediately see a smaller automobile directly behind it or on the right side of the truck.
  • Give space to a turning truck because it requires significantly more space to execute a proper turn than smaller vehicles.
  • Give a truck driver sufficient time to react. Large trucks are not easily manoeuvrable. Be especially careful in bad weather or slippery roads. Do not hurry a truck driver.

Who’s Responsible for Truck Accidents?

There are too many variables in a truck accident to determine where the fault lies. There are too many parties involved in it, like:

  • The driver
  • The driver’s employer
  • Owner of the truck
  • Contracted company
  • Loader
  • Truck maintenance specialist
  • A saboteur etc.

Sorting out where the fault lies and appropriating damages requires technical knowledge and a deeper understanding of local state and federal laws’ complicated intersection.

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