Most of us need to work to earn a living. But earning a living shouldn’t come at the cost of your health. There are many ways that work can interfere with your health and wellbeing. From stress to working too many hours, if you’re finding that your health is starting to suffer, you might want to reassess how you work and consider making some changes.
Here are some of the ways you can take better care of your health at work.
Try a more active commute
If you often feel that your work life interferes with your fitness routine, then why not try to fit in your fitness routine around work? Instead of driving to work or taking the train, could walking or cycling to work be an option instead? If you take a look at how many calories are burned walking, you’ll see that it can actually be a great way for you to use some energy and keep fit. Even if you try active forms of commuting two or three times a week, you could make a difference to your waistline, while also saving some money, and being more eco-friendly too.
Don’t let work keep you up at night
Stress can have some serious effects on your health. One of the side effects of stress is poor quality sleep. Whether you sleep poorly or you’re kept up at night worrying about work, you need to look to resolve the problem to stop it affecting your health. A key tip for healthier sleep at night involves handling the source of your problem. If work is keeping you up at night, then you need to reassess your workload and speak to your manager, or you’ll need to consider searching for a new role which has much less pressure.
Avoid being glued to your desk
The rise of the desk job means that many people live a mostly sedentary lifestyle. Those with busy roles will rarely move from their desks, and even have lunch there. If this sounds like you, you need to give some thought to walking around more during the day. You should take an extended break from your desk at lunch to make sure that you get outdoors and enjoy some fresh air.
If you’re concerned that your desk job is making you unhealthy, you might want to consider looking at other career options instead. While warehouse job roles can be physically demanding, they can be a healthier alternative to a less mobile job. Being in a more physical job can help keep your fitness up, and can provide a welcome alternative to the typical desk role.
Keep your stress levels down
Everyone deals with stress from time to time, however the way that we handle it differs from person to person. Some people thrive in stressful situations, while others can struggle to cope. Learning how to handle your stress can help you to be more resilient at work, but it doesn’t always come easy. Understanding how to prioritise your workload will help make it easier to manage tasks, but if things are getting too hard to handle, you’ll want to have some conversations with others and see how the pressure could be eased.
It’s important for your health that you maintain a good work/life balance. Leaving on time and not continuing with work once you’re home will help you to switch off and make some more time for yourself. Enjoy activities that relax you and help you to focus on your self-care to help you de-stress after a long day at work.
Stay away from the snack table
Do you find it hard to resist when something brings in a load of sweet treats, or when someone opens up a bag of potato chips? That lack of willpower could be causing you to gain weight, without you really realizing it. The snack table or cupboard can be an easy place to disappear too when work is stressful or you’re feeling hungry, but you should try to stay away from it most days.
Opting for some healthier snacks can be a way to stay on the right path at work. Why not bring some healthy snack ideas to your office and see if you could not only change your own habits, but help your colleagues too? Going for the fruit option is usually a much better choice than the chocolate and pastries that tend to be on offer, so try to switch it up now and then and try something a bit healthier.
Take your vacation days
It’s a sad fact that many workers don’t take their vacation days. A fear of leaving work behind or being seen as a slacker means that many people lose the vacation days which are rightfully theirs to take. However, there is a cost involved for not taking your vacation days that might make you think twice about letting them slip.
Not only is there a monetary cost, but not taking your vacation days can have an effect on your health. Everybody needs a break from work to be able to recharge and take some time for themselves. Whether you choose to go on vacation or enjoy a staycation, make sure you take your vacation days and enjoy the rest you truly deserve.
Stay home if you’re sick
Are you the kind of person who tends to soldier on into work when you’re not feeling your best? You’re doing yourself a great disservice by going into work sick. Not only are you likely to be less productive and feel terrible, but you run the risk of spreading whatever you have to your coworkers too. Taking a day or two at home to recover means you can come back feeling refreshed and ready to go, instead of suffering at work and doing half a job.
Your career is important, but it shouldn’t come at the cost of your health. Having your work affect your health could be a sign that you’re on the wrong career path and that you should consider something else instead. Always put your health first, it’s the most important thing you own.
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