Whether you should build your own decking is a question that comes up quite often. While it can be a benefit, there are also risks.
If you’re considering building decking for an outdoor area, building it yourself can be a lot of fun, but it can also be taxing. So, what should you consider?
Here’s what to take into account:
The Amount Of Time You Have
The first thing you’ll want to consider is the amount of time you have. The time commitment involved in building decking can be considerable. Just allocating a few hours at the weekend might not be enough. You might have to put extra effort in to get the results that you want.
You should also think about whether you want to DIY at all. If you can spare several hours a week, you should be able to finish your decking in a month or so. But if you have less time than that, then you might not be as lucky.
The Costs
The costs are another consideration. If you DIY, you’ll save on labour, but you will have to factor in the price of materials, which likely won’t change much going into the future.
Think about if you need to get any specialized equipment. While fixings are available from vendors like efixings, specialist tools may cost you more.
The Materials
Before you start building your own decking, you should also consider the materials you want to use. These days, there are quite a few options on the market, all with advantages and disadvantages.
Most homeowners choose composite nowadays if they can afford it because of its wood-like appearance and durability. It also requires fewer treatments (if any) and can survive in all weather conditions.
Wood is less expensive but needs more maintenance. Decking requires coating and sealing every couple of years or so.
Then there’s PVC, perhaps the most durable option. It doesn’t look and feel much like wood, but as a plastic derivative, it also requires virtually no maintenance. Manufacturers are getting better at making it look like traditional materials.
The Design

You should also think about the design of your decking. Once you finish building it, will it be able to do the things you want it to do?
Ideally, you want to follow a detailed blueprint, showing you how to put it together. You could get this from someone who designs decking professionally or included in a kit.
If you think you might make a mistake that makes the decking unsafe, hire a professional to put it together for you. Don’t take the risk of doing it yourself.
The Tools
Finally, you should consider all the tools you might need to buy to put the decking together. You may not have everything you need in a standard toolbox.
For example, you might need a post-hole digger for the supports or a power washer for preparing surfaces and cleaning up afterwards. These expenses can add significantly to your costs, making the installation more expensive overall.
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